Email Marketing
building systems for success
The key to building systems for success is asking ourselves what is valuable about our brand. Does our brand drive interest through the products we offer, who we service, the source of our materials, and how does this further a relationship with our audience? Utilizing this answer, we can apply a systematic approach where research and analysis are conducted and tested to understand our traffic sources, the audiences in these channels, and how to best communicate brand value to drive relationships. Audience behavior guides the overall structure of a brand’s customer journey, with meaningful touch points and interactions that drive purpose. Clear purpose in brand value helps considerable prospects become customers and eventually, with a seamless and consistent experience, drive loyalty. A/B testing is necessary throughout the process because not all audiences and brands are alike.
The audience is the key to building systems for success.
Think of a set of cogs and gears instead of a linear path. Not all prospects will become customers, not all customers will become loyalty members. You have to meet customers where they’re at and throughout time their journey can propel forward or backwards. That’s why A/B testing for the system to work.

year over year performance
How does this translate over time and performance? Due to the systematic and strategic measures in place during my time at Centric, stagnant lists grew an average of 125% across all brands, with an increase of 36% in open rates and 32% in click rates. Some of these measures included: